There is not long to wait left, then it will be only Inter. Wesley Sneijder is looking to bind his future to the Nerazzurri. In no longer then two or three weeks, the Dutchman's new contract will be a matter of the past, binding one of Inter's leading stars for many years to come. Although this may seem as a mere formality, seen that Sneijder has admitted over and over that he is not planning to leave the club that has believed in him, it is better to be safe than sorry. Real Madrid, pushed forward by the same Josè Mourinho that has so much believed in Inter's number 10, have often displayed an interest for the player, leading Moratti to want to safeguard one of the contenders for the next World Player of the Year trophy.
Although none would deserve such award more than him, seen the role he has had in a magnificent season for both club and country, Sneijder has other priorities: Inter. “It is not a matter of money. It is a matter of choices. I am 26 and I have to safeguard my future. “ He thought that the club, seen the inactivity on the transfer market, had decided to aim for a lower profile after a long period of victories: “Something may be done in January, seen the many injuries we have sustained. There is people responsible for dealing with the transfer market, but one should not ignore the fact that Inter is still hungry for victories.”
Some people say that Inter, without Mourinho, plays better: “I do not agree. If we play like last season it is fine, seen that we have won. People speak of style, but did we not play great games last year?” About Mourinho he adds: “He played me in my favourite position, and for that I thank him. We had a special connection. Thanks to him I have won the Champions League and I was selected as the best midfielder of the competition.” The Portuguese though, was forgotten in the speeches on the Uefa stage: “I was shaking in those moments. I hoped not to forget anyone, such as my family. But it is normal if you do end up forgetting someone.”
Some people believe the club had forbidden excessive thanks going out to Mourinho: “That is not true. When I want to thank him, I do so. He can not be compared to Benitez, they are way too different. That does not diminish what we have achieved though.” In the beginning of the current season, many have fallen to injuries or bad shape: “Last season was a tough one, not only physically but also mentally. A season like the one we just endured, with the World Cup on top, empties the players. Yet, we have had a good start, with Inter and with the National team. With the Netherlands we just had a great game against Sweden. Our aim is to forget the World Cup and win the Euro Cup. With Inter we are second in the league rankings and first in the Champions League group. I do not believe we are to be criticized.”
Regarding Milito: “When injuries get in the way, there is little that can be done. It takes time to regain optimal condition.” Ac Milan has now become a major contender with Ibrahimovic: “The league is very balanced, not only with Milan, but also with Roma and Juventus.” Sneijder's final thoughts deal with the World Player of the Year trophy: “I actually do not think about it. I concentrate on playing. If it comes I shall be happy, but if it does not I will anyway recognize my year as an incredible one.”
Autore: Redazione FcInterNews
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