Wednesday will be the 79th appearance in the Champions League as a manager for Rafa Benitez and the coach spoke at today’s press conference at the Appiano Gentile, 24 hours before the match against Tottenham. Here are the answers the Spaniard had for the journalists:
What did you have to change from last year in respect to training?
It is always hard to take over when a team comes from good results, but the players seemed happy to have kept the same formation and same approach. We are still working to have better ball possession.
What do you think about the current situation at Liverpool?
If I can avoid talking about Liverpool it would be better, because I have to focus on tomorrow’s game.
Is it painful to see the current status of Liverpool in the standings and what do you think of what Tom Hicks said, giving part of the blame to you?
It is better that I do not say much, I’m sorry for the fans. In Spain, we say that a white liquid in a bottle must be milk. This means that after 86 points in the championship and second place, the Americans chose a new managing director who changed everything: manager, medical staff, technical staff, nine new players. The managing director makes decisions at all levels, it is clear who are the decision-makers.
You have called up Cambiasso, is he ready to return from the first minute? And Thiago Motta and Pandev?
All three are on the list, so they can play. Tomorrow there is another training session and we will decide with them.
You have always used the same formation so far, but Zanetti recently said that there have also been many injuries. Think you could change the situation?
The last game we played with ‘almost’ three midfielders, including Zanetti. Again, it is not a question of formation rather mentality.
Is there a problem with Maicon, it appears that he has not yet been able to give his best this season?
I agree with the fact that he is the best right wingback in the world, he is improving from week to week. He has no problem, he is working well so I think he will continue to get better.
Are you satisfied with the performance of the defense, we see that you have allowed few goals?
The numbers are good, I am very satisfied. It is clear that a team that does not concede goals till the end is destined to remain on top.
Who is more nice or unpleasant to you, between Mourinho and Allegri?
It is clear that I have much respect for all teams and colleagues. They are both really good, we are here and we watch the game, but I cannot say anything to anyone about either. I am here and I am very happy to be the manager of Inter.
Is it important to you to have more Champions League matches behind you compared to your opponent tomorrow, Redknapp? And what game do you remember with great joy, in your 78?
The best final of the Champions League was the one in Istanbul, in my opinion, therefore, I would say that one. Regarding the comparison between me and Redknapp, I think the players make the difference. It is clear that the trainers can make important decisions, but those on the field are more important.
What is your impression of Tottenham? Are there major differences between this team and the one you faced with Liverpool?
The team is much improved, they have invested a lot. Tottenham has quality and the desire to do well. I do not remember whether or not I lost the last match against them last year, but I remember well the loss in the first match.
You know Tottenham well, this may help you explain certain things to your players?
I think it is more difficult, because they also know so much about me. We must pass the most important things among the players.
Are you concerned about being Eto’o-dependent?
Last year the team depended on Milito and three titles came from it. If we can do that this year depending on Eto’o, we will be very happy.
You will meet Crouch again tomorrow, is it true that you had problems with him?
Peter is a good kid and a good player. When he arrived, coming from Southampton, I was the first to support him when he went 14 games without scoring. I think I had a good relationship with him, only when Torres arrived we also had Gerrard and it was difficult for him to play.
What do you fear most about Tottenham?
I think they are doing well, they have energy and quality. It will be hard to beat them.
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